Multi Spring Mechanical Seal (Non-Clogged Type)
MI250C [Multi Spring Mechanical Seal (Non-Clogged Type)]

Type MI250C is a multiple spring high-performance seal specially developed for Slurry application. The springs are protected from the Media by means of dynamic ‘O’ Ring. Although being a balanced seal it doesn’t require step on Sleeve. The Sleeve of the un-balance Seal can be used for this seal series without modification. Torque transmission to the seal ring is given by strong multiple drive Pins/Lugs. This seal can be run against many different stationary seal rings for maximum flexibility in many applications. This seal has a balanced O-Ring design with anti-clog features, springs out of the fluid and dynamic O-Ring moves on a clean surface. The concept is ideal for stock realization. This seal are factory assembled and dynamically tested.

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